viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

3rd ESO Physical Fitness Work

Students must answer 10 questions;   students are allowed to choose either to answer the questions individually,   in pairs or groups up to three people. Each question is worth 2 points and a minimum of 8 points is required to pass the theory part of the subject. The student`s work should be handwritten and submitted to the teacher by november the 23rd. Please, do not foget to write names and class group.
 1.      What is the usable form of chemical energy for muscular activity? And where is it stored? 
2.      How does this usable form of chemical energy work to allow muscles cells to contract? 
3.      Explain the three different energy pathways to use or resynthesize this form of chemical energy.
 4.      Describe an effective workout to develop one of the three energy pathways. 
 5.      Define the next terms:  Endurance, Muscular strength, Flexibility and Speed.
6.      Design a circuit training to improve muscular endurance, select 9 different exercises that involve all body parts, assigned them an order in the circuit and enumerate several variables such as work time per exercise, rest time after each exercise, rest time after completing the whole circuit and number of circuit per session. 
7.      Explain in your own words the type of flexibility work referred to as “Passive-Static- Stretching” and the benefits you can obtain by practicing it. 
8.      Explain in your own words the difference between static and dynamic flexibility. To compare both, you should take into account the type of exercises and the order in which you use both works in the same session. 
9.      Explain the neuromuscular mechanism referred to as “autogenic inhibition” during the PNF stretching mentioning how it works to avoid the activation of the stretch reflex. 
10.  Give one example of one flexibility exercise  using the PNF stretching method.

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